Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană



For the attention of applicants for approvals that, through the construction of wind farms, could affect the operational minimums, go to the link.


Starting with 20.06.2022, the applications for issuing the approvals of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority are submitted exclusively online on the AACR website, accessing the Notices and Authorizations section in the dedicated link:


Any other means of submitting applications for the issuance of opinions issued by the AACR will not be considered.

CAUTION: Nr. Your application registration will be automatically sent to the e-mail address through which the request was sent.

Mandatory instruction:

1. To obtain the AACR opinion, you must submit the following:

a. Application for the issuance of the opinion. Must be sent with handwritten signature (scanned) / electronic signature.

ATTENTION: Please respect and complete only the application form established by AACR. Any other request form will not be considered, generating any unjustified exchanges of correspondence.

b. The technical documentation according to the requirements of chapter II of RACR – AVZ and of the Decision of the General Director of AACR no. D 306 of 26.06.2020 approving the Content and structure of the documentation submitted to the AACR in order to issue approvals to the technical documentation related to the objectives in areas with civil aeronautical easements or in other areas where they may constitute obstacles to air navigation or affect flight safety on the territory and in the airspace of Romania, provided in the annexes that are an integral part of this decision.
The technical documentation submitted for approval will be assumed by the specialized designers by handwritten signature (scanned) / qualified or advanced electronic signature according to the legal provisions in force.

ATTENTION: Mandatory, please tick the boxes corresponding to the type of documentation on the back of the application.

c. Urbanism certificate within validity.

d) CIF / CI copy.

e. Proof of payment. Payment will be made exclusively electronically by card, when submitting the request.

ATTENTION: The minimum rate is 100 Euro + VAT. In case of establishing another tariff, resulting from the analysis performed by AACR, the applicant / beneficiary will pay the corresponding tariff difference, after issuing the difference tax invoice. The initiation of the technical documentation analysis process is conditioned by the advance payment of the advance.
The issuance of the AACR opinion is conditional on the payment of the difference in tariff, if any.

2. If necessary, the AACR will communicate in writing to the petitioner if it is necessary to submit the application and the related technical documentation and in paper format, assumed with authorized signatures, authentic stamps, etc.

3. The performance of special civil aeronautics works (measurement of aeronautical points of interest in the Global Geodetic System WGS-84, geodesy, topography, cadastre and cartography works for airport infrastructures and support systems for air traffic services) will be performed only by specialists authorized in the field of geodesy who prove the right to sign in accordance with applicable law.

ATTENTION: - The content of the documentation with measurements in WGS 84 system will be submitted in editable and printed electronic format, obligatory according to MODEL.

4. AACR may additionally request, depending on the provisions of the applicable aeronautical regulations, regardless of the design phase of the documentation, the submission of a CNS Obstacle Study and / or Geometric Obstacle Study.

5. The e-mail sent by you to, must be noted in the Subject:


ATENȚIONĂM asupra faptului că AACR este exonerată de orice răspundere privind tendința anumitor persoane fizice/ juridice abilitate să efectueze studii de obstaculare, de a excede cadrul legislativ, prin substituirea unor atribuții ce revin exclusiv AACR și pronunțarea cu privire la impactul obiectivelor asupra parametrilor de funcționare ai echipamentelor CNS, etc, inducând în eroare beneficiarii.

AACR în baza prevederilor art. 87 alin. (1) din Codul aerian al României din 2020, aprobat prin Legea nr. 21/2020, ale OMTCT 1185/ 2006 şi ale art. 3 alin. 1 lit. a pct. 13 din Regulamentul de organizare şi funcţionare, anexă la Hotărârea nr. 405/1993 privind înfiinţarea AACR, modificată şi completată, este singura autoritate națională care emite avize pentru documentaţiile tehnice aferente obiectivelor din zonele cu servituți aeronautice civile sau din alte zone în care pot constitui obstacole pentru navigaţia aeriană şi/sau pot afecta siguranţa zborului pe teritoriul şi în spaţiul aerian al României.

În conformitate cu prevederile reglementărilor aeronautice, AACR poate solicita și ține cont în evaluarea tehnică de specialitate doar de studiile de obstaculare, întocmite de specialiști autorizați în domeniul geodeziei care fac dovada dreptului de semnătură conform legislației aplicabile, care trebuie să prezinte strict măsurătorile în sistem WGS 84 aferente construcțiilor existente pe teren conform Anexei 4 și 5 la Decizia DG al AACR nr. D 306/ 26.06.2020.

Evaluarea impactului unui obiectiv din punct de vedere electromagnetic, geometric, operațional, se poate realiza doar de către specialiștii cu expertiză în domeniile respective, din cadrul AACR, respectiv ROMATSA, după caz, în conformitate cu prevederile reglementărilor aeronautice aplicabile.

Last update: 21/08/2024, 05:02:35