Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

Please check the new NOTAM: in italics

For UKDV ACC - Dnipropetrovsk, NOTAMs referring to UKDV have been included in this item.

Advice from EUROCONTROL Network Manager

Further to the ICAO State letter [EUR/NAT 14-0243.TEC (FOL/CUP) issued on 02 April 2014], raising safety concerns in Simferopol FIR 'due to the unsafe situation where more than one ATS provider may be controlling flights within the same airspace from 3 April 2014, 0600 UTC onwards, the Network Manager strongly advises airspace users to avoid the airspace.

However, NM has no legal authority to reject flight plans unless the ATS routes are formally closed by NOTAMs from the competent authority.

Based on the NOTAM A1947/14 published by the Ukrainian authorities, the routes depicted in the attached map are not available for flight planning.

The EASA Safety Information Bulletin (SIB) is available at the following link.

Ukraine closures - message to all Airspace Users
A number of routes are closed WIE-UFN as well as some airports.


UKCC (Donetsk)
A/D closed. Please refer to NOTAM A1397/14.

UKFF (Simferopol)
Information deleted from AIP.
Please refer to NOTAM A2000/14

UKFB (Sevastopol)
Information deleted from AIP.
Please refer to NOTAM A2001/14

UKCM (Mariupol)
A/D is closed to civil aviation aircraft until further notice.
Please refer to the new NOTAM A1396/14

Route and airspace closures:

Please refer to the following NOTAMs:
A2111/14, A2112/14, A2114/14, A2115/14, A2153/14,

Notams with maps:
A2140/14, A2141/14, A2143/14, A2144/14, 2145/14,A2146/14, A1946/14, A1947/14

The Network Manager will also:
- inform, coordinate with and support aircraft operators with rerouteing suggestions within IFPS zone avoiding the closed routes (pls contact NMOC IFPU), and

- coordinate with Ukrainian, Romanian, Bulgarian and Turkish ACCs in order to mitigate possible impact of disrupted traffic flows.
Please refer to the following NOTAMs A0701/14, A0704/14, A0706/14, A0708/14, A0711/14, A0714/14.

Service provision at Simferopol FIR
Simferopol sector 1 and 2 are now managed by UKDV and sectors 3, 4, 5 by UKOV.

Please refer to AIC 02/14 and NOTAMs A1179/14, A1180/14.

Operators should be aware that this is not an exhaustive list of Ukrainian NOTAMs.

NMOC Brussels