Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

Aeronautical personnel certification

1. European regulations


Type and Code of the Normative Act

Title of the Normative Act

1. Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/723 of 4.03.2020 laying down detailed rules for the recognition of third-country certifications for pilots and amending Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010 1178/2011
2. Regulation (EU) 2019/494 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25.03.2019 on certain aspects of aviation security, having regard to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union
3. Regulation (EU) no. Commission Decision 2015/340 of 20.02.2015 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures for air traffic controller licenses and certificates in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 Regulation (EU) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No Commission Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 and repealing Regulation (EU) no. 805/2011 of the Commission
►M1: Corrigendum to Regulation (EU) no. 340/2015 from 20.02.2015 (11.03.2017)
4. Regulation (EU) no. 1321/2014 of the Commission of 26.11.2014 on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances and the authorization of undertakings and related personnel
►M1: Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1088 of 03.07.2015
►M2: Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1536 of 16.09.2015
►M3: Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/334 of 27.02.2017
►M4: Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/750 of 22.05.2018
5. Commission Decision 2014/426 / EU of 01.07.2014 Decision to authorize the United Kingdom to apply derogations from certain common rules on aviation safety in accordance with Article 14 (6) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council
6. Commission Decision 2014/425 / EU of 01.07.2014 Decision to authorize the Slovak Republic and the United Kingdom to apply derogations from certain common rules on aviation safety in accordance with Article 14 (6) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council


Regulation (EU) no. 1178/2011 of 03.11.2011

laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures for civil aviation flight crews pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council
►M1: Regulation (EU) no. 290/2012 from 30.03.2012
►C1: Rectification of Regulation (EU) no. 1178/2011, 25.08.2012
►C2: Correction of Regulation (EU) no. 290/2012, 10.04.2013
►M2: Regulation (EU) no. 70/2014 from 27.01.2014
►M3: Regulation (EU) no. 245/2014 from 13.03.2014
►M4: Regulation (EU) no. 445/2015 from 17.03.2015
►M5: Corrigendum to Regulation (EU) no. 1178/2011, 04.23.2015
►M6: Correction of Regulation (EU) no. 290/2012, 10.10.2015
►M7: Regulation (EU) no. 2016/539 from 06.04.2016
►M8: Regulation (EU) no. 2018/1065 from 27.07.2018
►M9: Regulation (EU) no. 2018/1119 from 31.07.2018
►M10: Regulation (EU) no. 2018/1974 from 14.12.2018
►M11: Implementing Regulation (EU) no. 2019/27 from 19.12.2018
►M12: Implementing Regulation (EU) no. 2019/430 of 18.03.2019
►M13: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1747 of 15.10.2019
►M14: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/359 of 04.03.2020 (APPLICABILITY OF 25.03.2020, 08.04.2020 AND 08.09.2020 - REFER TO REG., ART.2)
►M15: Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/723 of 4.03.2020

M16: COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2020/2193 of 16 December 2020 amending Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 as regards the requirements for flight crew competence and training methods, and as regards the reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation

M17: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2237 of 15.12.2021

(It shall apply from 30 October 2022. However, point (1) of Article 1 shall apply as of the date of entry into force.)


Regulation (EU) 2024/2076

COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2024/2076 of 24 July 2024 amending Regulations (EU) No 1178/2011 and (EU) No 965/2012 as regards the clarification of requirements for cruise relief co-pilots, updates of requirements for flight crew licensing and medical certification, and improvements for general aviation 

(Applicable from13.08.2024, with the exemption of point 7 from Annex I, Annex II, points 6-18, 22 and 23 from Annex III, points 2-9 from Annex IV,  Annex VII - applicable from 13.02.2025)

2. National regulations


Type and Code of the Normative Act

Title of the Normative Act

1. RACR-LMET Romanian civil aeronautical regulation RACR - LMET "Aeronautical meteorologist license" approved by Order no. 271/15.03.2022
2. RACR-LPAN P Romanian civil aeronautical regulation RACR- LPAN P "Licensing of parachute navigating aeronautical personnel" from 06.02.2017 approved by Order no. 88/06.02.2017
3. RACR-LPAN-PPBL Romanian civil aeronautical regulation RACR-LPAN-PPBL "Licensing of navigating aeronautical personnel - glider pilots and free balloon pilots" approved by Order no. 718/03.06.2015
4. RACR-LCITA Romanian civil aeronautical regulation RACR-LCITA "Licensing of air traffic information controllers" approved by Order no. 1310 / 08.09.2014
5. RACR-LPN 5 Romanian Civil Aeronautical Regulation RACR-LPN 5 "Licensing of certain categories of navigating civil aeronautical personnel" approved by Order No. 102/12.02.2014
6. RACR EC-I/E/OP Romanian Civil Aviation Regulation RACR EC-I / E / OP on the authorization of instructors and examiners for seafarers certified as members of cabin crew and the authorization of training organizations for cabin crew members approved by Order no. 101/12.02.2014
7. OMT 208/2013 Order on measures for the application of Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 of 3 November 2011 laying down the technical requirements and administrative procedures for civil aviation flight crews pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 Regulation (EU) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Regulation (EU) no. 290/2012 of the Commission of 30 March 2012 amending Regulation (EU) no. 1178/2011
8. RACR-LPTA Romanian civil aeronautical regulation RACR-LPTA “Licensing of civil aeronautical technical personnel” approved by Order no. 577 / 05.05.2008


Romanian civil aeronautical regulation RACR LPAN ULM “Licensing of navigating civil aeronautical personnel - Motorized ultralight aircraft” approved by Order no. 910 of April 28, 2020



Romanian civil aeronautical regulations RACR LPAN AUN “Licensing of navigating civil aeronautical personnel - Non-powered ultralight aircraft” approved by Order no. 910 of April 28, 2020



Romanian civil aeronautical regulation RACR LDOZ "Licensing of flight operations dispatchers" approved by Order no. 1288 / 14.07.2006

12. OMT no. 928/1999 Order no. 928 of June 10, 2019 regarding the completion of Order no. 248/1999 approving the application of European regulations JAR FCL 1 - Licensing of flight crews / aircraft, JAR FCL 2 - Licensing of flight crews / helicopters and JAR FCL 3 - Licensing of flight crews / medical


Romanian civil aeronautical regulation RACR-ATSEP “Licensing of electronic personnel for air traffic safety” approved by Order no. 1984/2020


Decision of the DG of the AACR no. D179/07.04.2021

Decision of the DG of the AACR on the establishment of alternative requirements to JAR FCL-1 and JAR-FCL-2, in order to obtain, revalidate or renew the qualification of type instructor - TRI


3. Civil Aeronautical Procedures and Instructions


Type and Code of the Normative Act

Title of the Normative Act

1. PAC FCL OP editia 1/2023 Civil Aeronautical Procedures: aircrew training organisations certification and oversight, Edition 1/2023, approved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. D568/2023
2. PAC FCL Ed. 2/2023

Civil Aeronautical Procedure for Flight Crew Licence, edition 2/2023

D728 and attached forms (PAC FCL)

3. PAC-LCTA, Ed. 07/2023 Civil Aeronautical Procedures and Instructions: Licensing of Air Traffic Controllers, Edition 7/2023, approved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautics Authority no. D1018/2023
4. PAC- MED, Ed 2024 Civil Aeronautical Procedures and Instructions: Medical examination of civil aeronautical personnel and medical assistance for flight safety, Edition 2023, approved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. 235/09.03.2023
5. PAC-LPAN-P, Ed. 03/2024 Civil Aeronautical Procedures: Licensing of paratroopers, Edition 03/2024, approved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. D100 / 14.02.2024
  PAC AEC ed 1/2022 PAC-AEC "Civil aeronautics procedure for the accreditation of qualified entities" edition 1/2022 approved by Decision of the Director General of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. 223/2022
6. PIAC-LCITA, Ed. 1/2015, Amd. 1/2016 Civil Aeronautical Procedures and Instructions: Licensing of Air Traffic Information Controllers, Edition 1/2015 - Amendment no.1 / 2016, approved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. D 1120 / 21.12.2016.
7. PAC-LMET, Ed. 04/2022

Civil Aeronautical Procedure PAC-LMET "Aeronautical meteorologist license" Edition 4/2022

8. PAC-LIC, Ed. 2/2024 Civil Aeronautics Procedures and Instructions: Procedures for issuing certification documents for aircraft and helicopter pilots, approved by the Decision of the Director General of the Romanian Civil Aeronautics Authority no. D218 / 2024
9. PIAC-LPAN-PPBL, Ed. 1/2015 Civil Aeronautical Procedures and Instructions: Licensing of navigating aeronautical personnel - glider pilots and free balloon pilots, Edition 1/2015, approved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. D584 / 07.31.2015
10.  PAC-EXAM, ed.1 amd.1/2023 Civil Aeronautical Procedure for the theoretical examinations of aeronautical personnel, Edition 1 Amd.1/2023, approved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. D762/2023, modified by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautics Authority no. D444/2024


PAC-LDOZ, ed. 02/2024

Civil Aeronautical Procedures: Licensing of Flight Operations Dispatchers, Edition 02/2024, approved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. D45 / 2024. See also OMTCT 1288/2006. See also OMTI 382/2010


PAC-FCL/E "Procedures and instructions regarding the issuance / re-issuance / modification / renewal of the examiner's authorization (pilot)", edition 2024, approved by the Decision of the General Director of AACR no. D630 / 2024;
13. Procedure-CPD edition 1/2020 Procedure-CPD “Procedure for the certification of remote pilots” edition 1/2020 approved by the DG Decision of AACR no. 583 / 12.30.2020
14. PAC-ATSEP, Ed.2/2023
15. PIAC-LPN Partea A Ed. 3 Amdt 2/2003


Decision of the DG of AACR regarding registrations for theoretical examinations through


4. Alternative means of compliance (AltMOC)

The requirements contained in Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 and its implementing rules are sometimes supplemented by AMCs (acceptable means of compliance), developed by EASA. Compliance with these CMAs allows certification of compliance with the requirements of the basic Regulation.
The EASA Regulation provides for the possibility for national authorities to allow a regulated person or organization to use an alternative means of compliance (AltMOC) to demonstrate compliance with a requirement or to develop a new CMA, when EASA has not developed a CMA on this subject. The national authority may also develop an AltMOC. The implementation of an AltMOC must comply with the provisions of the basic European Regulation and its implementing rules and meet the objectives of a CMA. A study audit may be required to complete an AltMOC submitted by a regulated person or organization.
ORA.GEN.120 and ORO.GEN.120 state that the implementation of AltMOC by approved training organizations (ATOs) is subject to prior approval by the AACR, and indicates what needs to be done in order to obtain this approval.
ARA.GEN.120 and ARO.GEN.120 establish the obligations of AACR, when granting prior approval and when adopting AltMOC which will be used by regulated persons and organizations. Thus, each AltMOC is transmitted to EASA, which will evaluate it. The outcome of this evaluation is a factor that may lead to a re-examination of the implementation of AltMOC.
One of the obligations of AACR is to notify EASA for AltMOC proposed by a regulated person or organization.

AACR will use a notification form.

For more information on AMC and AltMOC, please see the link

Last update: 23/09/2024, 02:54:36