Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

1. European normative acts

No. Type and Code of the Normative Act Title of the Normative Act
1. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 of 24.05.2019

on the rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles
►M1: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/639 of 12.05.2020
►M2: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/746 of 4.06.2020

►M3: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1166 of 15.07.2021

M4: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/7425 of 14.03.2022 (from 04.04.2022)

2. Regulation (EU) 2019/494 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25.03.2019 on certain aspects of aviation security, having regard to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union
3. Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/436 of 18.03.2019 (consolidated) on harmonized standards for technical equipment developed in support of Directive 2006/42 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
►M1: Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/480 of 01.01.2020
4. Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945 of 12.03.2019 (consolidated) on unmanned aerial vehicle systems and unmanned aerial vehicle system operators in third countries
►M1: Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/1058 of 27.04.2020
5. Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/640 of 23.04.2015

on additional airworthiness specifications for a given type of operations and amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012  and (EU)1321/2014

►M1:Commission Implementing Regulation (UE) 2019/133 from 28.01.2019 

►M2:Commission Implementing Regulation(UE) 2020/1159 from 05.08.2020 ( point 4 from anexa II APPLICABLE from 26.08.2023)

►M3:Commission Implementing Regulation (UE) 2021/97 from 28.01.2021 

►M4:Commission Implementing Regulation (UE) 2022/1254 from 19.07.2022 (appl from 09.09.2022) 

6. Commission Regulation (EU) no. 1321/2014 of 26.11.2014 (consolidated)

on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances and the authorization of undertakings and related personnel
►M1: Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1088 of 03.07.2015
►M2: Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1536 of 16.09.2015

►M3: Commission Regulation (UE) 2017/334 of 27.02.2017

►M4: Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/750 of 14.08.2018

►M5: Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1142 of 14.08.2018

►M6: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 of 08.07.2019
► Corrigendum to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 of 08.07.2019 
►M7: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1384 of 24.07.2019
►M8: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/270 of 25.02.2020 

►M9: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1159 of 05.08.2020 (APPLICABLE from 26.02.2021 except point 4 from annex II to APPLICABLE from 26.08.2023)

► M10 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/685 of 22.04.2021
► M11 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/700 of 26.03.2021

► M12 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1963 of 08.11.2021 (APPLICABLE from 02.12.2021)

(Article 2, Annex I art 2 and 4, Annnex III shall apply from 02.12.2021)

►M13 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/410 of 10.03.2022 (APPLICABLE from 31.03.2022)

►M14 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1360 of 28.07.2022 (APPLICABLE from 25.08.2023)

►M15:Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/203 from 27.10.2022 (APPLICABLE from 22.02.2026)

►M16:Commision Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/989 from 22.05.2023 (Applicable from 12.06.2024 except art. 1(1) and  2 appl from 12.06.2023)

7. Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 of 03.08.2012 (consolidated)

laying down implementing rules on the certification for airworthiness and environment of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, and the certification of design and production organizations, as amended and supplemented by
►M1: Regulation (EU) no. 7/2013 of the Commission of January 8, 2013
►M2: Regulation (EU) no. 69/2014 of the Commission of 27.01.2014
►M3: Regulation (EU) no. 2015/1039 of the Commission of 30.06.2015
►M4: Regulation (EU) no. 2016/5 of the Commission of 06.01.2016
►M5: Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/897 of 12 March 2019
►M6: Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/570 of 28.01.2020 (OJ L 132, 27.4.2020, p. 1-6) 

M7: Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/699 of 21.12.2020 

( Apply from 18 May 2022, with the exception of Article 2 and point 4, point 6, point 9 and point 15 of Annex I which shall apply from 18 May 2021)

M8: Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1088 of 7 April 2021

►M9: Commission Delegated Regulation (UE) 2022/201 of 10.12.2021

(Apply from 7 march 2023, with the exception of Article 2 apply from 7 march 2022)
►M10: Commission Delegated Regulation(UE) 2022/203 of 14.02.2022

(Apply from 7 march 2023, with the exception of Article 2 apply from 7 march 2022)

►M11: Commission Delegated Regulation(UE) 2022/1253 of 19.07.2023 (Apply from 7 march 2023)

►M12: Commission Delegated Regulation(UE) 2022/1358 of 02.06.2022 (Apply from 25 august 2023)

►M13: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1361 of 28.07.2022 (APPLICABLE from 25.08.2023)

►M14:Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1645 from 14.07.2022 (aplicabil din 16.10.2022)

►M15:Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/203 from 27.10.2022 (APPLICABLE from 22.02.2026)

8. Regulation (EU) No 1005/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council (consolidated) on substances that deplete the ozone layer
►M1: Commission Regulation (EU) no. 744/2010 of 18.08.2010
►M2: Commission Regulation (EU) no.1087 / 2013 of 04.11.2013
►M3: Commission Regulation (EU) No 1088/2013 of 04.11.2013
►M4: Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/605 of 29.03.2017
►M5: Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/2029 of 18.12.2018
9. Commission Decision 294/2008 of 07.04.2008 (consolidated) on harmonized conditions for the use of radio spectrum for the operation of mobile communications services on board aircraft (CMA services) in the Community
►M1: Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/2317 of 16.12.2016

Directive (EU) no. 2006/42 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17.05.2006 (consolidated)


Commission Communication of 13.02.2015

on technical equipment and amending Directive 95/16 / EC (recast)
►M1: Regulation (EC) No 596/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18.06.2009
►M2: Directive 2009/127 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21.10.2009

Commission communication in the framework of the implementation of the Directive 2006/42 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on technical equipment and amending Directive 95/16 / EC


2. National normative acts

No. Type and Code of the Normative Act Title of the Normative Act
1. OMT no. 252/19.12.2019 Order of the Minister of Transport regarding the approval of the application of the standard SR EN 4179 "Qualification and authorization of the personnel for non-destructive examinations" and of abrogation of the Order of the Minister of public works, transports and housing no. 1,348 / 2002 for the approval of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Regulations RACR-NDT / Authorization of the personnel performing non-destructive examinations (NDT) in the civil aeronautics and of the training centers of the NDT personnel
2. RACR-CP Romanian Civil Aeronautical Regulation RACR-CP "Certification of parachutes" Edition 1/2017 approved by OMT no. 847/17.07.2017

Romanian civil aeronautical regulations “Registration of civil aircraft” Edition 1/2016 approved by OMT no. 1.338/25.10.2016

M1:OMT no. 165/2021  from 26 february 2021 of the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure regarding the approval of amendaments for regulation related to certification and registration of UAV

M2: Order of the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure no. 1.024 of July 27, 2021 regarding the amendment of the annex to the Order of the Minister of Transport no. 1.338 / 2016 for the approval of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Regulation RACR-IA "Registration of civil aircraft", edition 1/2016

4. OMT no.1274/13.10.2016 Order no. 1274/2016 on measures for the application of Regulation  (EU) No 748/2012 laying down implementing rules on the certification for airworthiness and environment of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, as well as the certification of design and production organizations
5. OMT no.708/19.08.2016 Order no. 708/2016 on measures for the application of Regulation (EU) no. 1.321 / 2014 of the Commission of 26 November 2014 on maintaining the airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances and the authorization of companies and personnel with responsibilities in the field
6. RACR-SUD Romanian civil aeronautical regulations "Authorization of welders in civil aeronautics" Edition 2/2015 approved by OMT no. 765/23.06.2015 


Romanian Civil Aviation Regulation RACR-DPA “Authorization of aeronautical product distribution organizations”, Edition 1/2015 approved by OMT no.764/23.06.2015

M1:OMT no. 165/2021  from 26 february 2021 of the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure regarding the approval of amnedaments for regulation related to certification and registration of UAV

8. RACR-LTS Romanian Civil Aeronautics Regulations "Authorization of specialized testing laboratories for civil aeronautics", Edition 1/2015 approved by OMT no.763/23.06.2015

Romanian civil aeronautical regulations “Admissibility to flight of certain categories of civil aircraft” Edition 1/2007 approved by OMT no.806/31.08.2007

M1: OMT no. 1268/21.12.2009 related to modification and addition to  OMT no. 806/2007 for approval of Romanian civil aeronautical regulations “Admissibility to flight of certain categories of civil aircraft” Edition 1/2007

M2: OMT no. 1338/25.10.2016  related to modification of art 4 from   RACR-AZAC Admissibility to flight of certain categories of civil aircraft” Edition 1/2007

M3: OMT no. 165/2021  from 26 february 2021 of the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure regarding the approval of amnedaments for regulation related to certification and registration of UAV

10. RACR-CCO ULM Romanian civil aeronautical regulations “Certification and operational requirements for motorized ultralight aircraft” Edition 1/2007 approved by OMT no. 630/27.03.2007

Romanian civil aeronautical regulations “Certification and operational requirements for non-powered ultralight aircraft” Edition 1/2007 approved by OMT no. 630/27.03.2007

Order 910/2020  on amending Order of the Minister of Transports, Constructions and Tourism no. 630 / 27.03.2007 on the regulation of the field of civil aeronautics with ultralight aircraft in Romania / Annex  1 and  2 

12. RACR-AAUN Romanian civil aeronautical regulations “Authorization of legal entities for certification in the field of non-motorized ultralight aircraft”

Edition 1/2007 approved by OMT no. 630/27.03.2007

Order 910/2020  on amending Order of the Minister of Transports, Constructions and Tourism no. 630 / 27.03.2007 on the regulation of the field of civil aeronautics with ultralight aircraft in Romania / Annex  1 and  2 

13.  OMTI 165/2021  Order 165/2021 from 26 february 2021 of the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure regarding the approval of amnedaments for regulation related to certification and registration of UAV


3. Civil Aeronautics Procedures and Instructions

No. Type and Code of the Normative Act Title of the Normative Act
1. PAC–AW–ML-PIE, ed.1/2022 Procedure and instructions for Authorization for inindependent staff iaw Annex Vb (Part ML), approved by Decision of the Director General of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. D531/06.04.2022
2. PAC-AW-CNV, ed.3/2022 Procedures and instructions for civil aeronautics for the Certification of airworthiness of aircraft approved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. D655
3. PAC-AW-66, ed. 3/2023 Administrative procedure and instructions for licensing PART 66 of aircraft maintenance personnel, approved by Decision of the Director General of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. D 1045 / 31.12.2023
4. PAC-AW-145 Ed.4/2023

The list of applicable airworthiness circulars can be found here
Procedures for civil aeronautics "Authorization and supervision of maintenance organizations PART 145", approved by Decision of the Director General of the Romanian Civil Aeronautics Authority no. D404/2023
5. PIAC-CP Ed.1/2018 Procedures and instructions for civil aeronautics: "Certification of parachutes", approved by the Decision of the General Director of AACR no. D408 / 05.04.2018.
Amendment 1/2018 Amendment 1 to PIAC-CP, ed.1 / 2018, approved by the Decision of the General Director of AACR no. D1200 / 12.28.2018.
6. PIAC-AW-147, Ed.2/2024 Administrative procedure and instructions for the authorization and supervision of maintenance training organizations PART 147, approved by the Decision of the Director General of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. D329/23.04.2024
7. PIAC-AW-IAW, Ed. 2/2024 Authorization /supervision/modification of production organizations , aapproved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority nr.D 280/2024
8. PIAC-AW-SUD, Ed.2/2016 Administrative procedure and instructions for the authorization of welders in civil aeronautics, approved by Decision of the Director General of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no.D 528 / 16.06.2016
9. PIAC-AW-LTS, Ed. 1/2016 Administrative procedure and instructions for the authorization of specialized testing laboratories for civil aeronautics, approved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. D 353 / 21.04.2016
10. PAC-AW-NON147, Ed. 3/2023 Administrative procedure for authorizing NON PART 147 courses for aircraft / component type training approved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. D 411/2023
11. PAC-AW-MP, Ed. 3/2024 Administrative procedure  for the approval of maintenance programs, approved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no. D 557 / 2024
12. PIAC-DN-ACAM, Ed. 1/2011 Administrative procedure and instructions for monitoring the continuity of aircraft airworthiness, product audit (ACAM), approved by the Decision of the Director General of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no.D 1180 / 29.11.2011
13. PIAC-AW-ACZ, Ed. 1/2020 Administrative procedure and instructions for issuing the flight authorization, approved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no.D 501/ 05.11.2020
14.  PAC-AW-CAO, Ed. 2/2022 Administrative procedure for Authorization and supervision of Part CAO organization approved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no.D 401/20.12.2022
15. PAC-AW-CAMO, Ed. 2/2022 Authorization and supervision of continuing airworthiness management organizations Part CAMO, aapproved by the Decision of the General Director of the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority no.D395/23.08.2022


4. Airworthiness circular

No. Type and Code of the Normative Act Title of the Normative Act
1. CN-AW-M.00E Maintenance organization presentation report PART 145 - check list
2. CN-AW-M/005 Internal Audit. Performance and documentation requirements
3. CN-AW-M/008 Maintenance report for the maintenance training organization PART 147 - checklist
4. CN: RED DOC Procedures regarding the drafting of the documentation issued by the Romanian civil aeronautical agents
5. CN-AW-M / 001
Annex 1 - List of capabilities (model)
Annex 2 - Application for approval / amendment of the list of capabilities 
EASA Authorized Maintenance Organization Capability List Part 145 (guidance material)
6. CN: VA I fly into the airspace with a volcanic ash contamination
7. CN: Cuprins MME Maintenance Management Presentation Report (MME) - mandatory chapters
8. CN-AW-M/002 Journal of aeronautical technical personnel
9. CN-AW-I/001 Coding and recording of 406 MHz transmitters used in aviation / ELT_PLB
10. CN-AW-M/004 Calibration of measuring equipment used in organizations authorized by AACR
11. CN-AW-M.006A Maintenance of aircraft
12. CN-AW-L/003 Part 66 licenses based on certificates issued by the organization CZ.147.0010
13. CN-AW-G.002 Qualification and certification of ndt personnel for performing non-destructive testing in civil aeronautics
14. CN-AW-C.002 Airworthiness continuity management organization exposition PART CAMO - check list
15. CN-AW-M.009 Airworthiness Combined organization exposition PART CAO - check list
Last update: 20/09/2024, 04:50:13