Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

NM has received information that the aviation alert status of the Icelandic Volcano Bardarbunga has been changed to code GREEN At the moment there is no ashcloud observed.
There is currently no detection of ash by radar nor observation of VA cloud in the atmosphere near the site.
No further advisories will be issued unless conditions change.

Refer to the Notam A0285/14

NMOC Brussels

The Icelandic volcano Bardarbunga is showing signs of imminent eruption
and its aviation alert status has been raised to RED
(eruption is imminent with significant emission of ash into atmosphere likely).
A Danger Area has been declared around the volcano,
Notam A0266/14 refers

The Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) London will produce a forecast of the likely ash behaviour every six hours.
That forecast will highlight the probable location of medium and high levels of ash density.
Click here for Ash Concentration Graphics.

Based on the VAAC forecast, the Civil Aviation Authorities might issue a NOTAM
advising airspace users of the location of medium and high density ash areas.

Using that information and procedures previously agreed with their safety regulator,
it is the responsibility of individual airlines to decide
whether they will operate and issue their flight plans accordingly.

NMOC Brussels