Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

At the last EASA MB meeting, it was decided to set up a sub-group to deal with the strategy for developing the relationship between EASA, the European Commission and the Member States of the European Union in the field of aviation safety and aviation regulations.


The above-mentioned sub-group, The Future European Aviation Regulatory System, is one with limited access due to the importance of the issues addressed. Following the invitation sent by EASA, on November 12, the Director General of AACR took part in this meeting where issues were discussed such as: a better collaboration between EASA, the European Commission and the national authorities, to materialize in clear regulations; an approach of supporting Member States by appointing a person responsible for each Member State in EASA; transparency in the classification of non-conformities found, considering that too much emphasis is placed on administrative non-conformities, instead of focusing on safety ones, etc.