Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

1. Starting with 01.02.2022, all theoretical knowledge examinations for ATPL (A/H), CPL (A/H) and IR will be performed using only the ECQB2021 version of the EASA question bank. RCAA currently uses the ECQB8 version.

Candidates who have already started the set of theoretical knowledge examinations with the ECQB8 version will be able to continue with this version until 31.01.2022. Candidates who have not completed the entire set of theoretical knowledge examinations by 31.01.2022 will continue the exams with the ECQB2021 version.

Candidates who choose to take theoretical knowledge examinations with the ECQB2021 version must ensure that the ATO training syllabus is in line with the subjects contained in the ECQB2021.

More information on the content of ECQB2021 and the associated training syllabus can be found at the following link:

2. Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority provides theoretical knowledge examinations for BIR (Basic Instrument Rating), in accordance with article FCL.835 of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, starting with 15.09.2021. For the Basic Instrument Rating (BIR) theoretical knowledge examination, RCAA uses only the EASA question bank version ECQB2021 which aligns with the new syllabus and learning objectives (LOs) as published in Amendments 4, 6, 8 and 10 to AMC/GM to Regulation (EU) No. 1178/2011, Part-FCL. More information can be found at the following link:

Registration for these examinations can be done at:  (ROCAA - Examinations Office)

For the issue of the Basic instrument rating licence (BIR), applicants must undertake the English language proficiency test. Further information about this test can be found at:

Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority provides theoretical knowledge examinations using European Central Question Bank (ECQB) 2021 materials for ATPL (A), ATPL (H), CPL (A), CPL (H), IR (A) and IR (H), in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1178 / 2011, starting with 15.09.2021. Registration for these examinations can be done at:  (ROCAA - Examinations Office)

Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority provides theoretical knowledge examinations in Doha (Qatar) in similar conditions to the Bucharest location for ATPL (A), ATPL (H), CPL (A), CPL (H), IR (A) and IR (H), in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, starting with 15.09.2021. Registration for these examinations can be done at:  (ROCAA - Examinations Office).

Last update: 06/06/2024, 03:31:00